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None, no Drill Holes
None, with Drill Holes Only
French Cleat Wood Blocks
Aluminum Museum Wall Mount
Small Standoffs with Drill Holes; 1/2" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL12-25A]
Medium Standoffs with Drill Holes; 3/4" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL19-25A]
Large Standoffs with Drill Holes; 7/8" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL22-25A]
None, Ship Rolled
Color Frame
Aluminum Museum Wall Mount
Stainless Steel 1" Standoffs
Black Frame, 1"
Black Frame, 2"
White Frame, 1"
White Frame, 2"
Please enter zipcode
Estimated Total:$20.59

The black hue of Acrylic Direct provides excellent contrast for printed designs or engraved text, ensuring clarity visibility even from a distance. Acrylic Direct in blacl 1/8 thickness, offers a versatile solution for signage, displays, or architectural elements, combining style with practicality for impactful visual communication. Its Lightweight nature makes it easy to handle and install, reducing the risk of damage during transportation or mounting.