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Price Calculator

None, no Drill Holes
None, with Drill Holes Only
French Cleat Wood Blocks
Aluminum Museum Wall Mount
Small Standoffs with Drill Holes; 1/2" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL12-25A]
Medium Standoffs with Drill Holes; 3/4" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL19-25A]
Large Standoffs with Drill Holes; 7/8" Diameter & 3/4" Barrel Length [AL22-25A]
No Frame
Black Frame, 1"
Black Frame, 2"
White Frame, 1"
White Frame, 2"
None, no Drill Holes
French Cleat Wood Blocks
French Cleat Metal Z-Clips
Aluminum Museum Wall Mount
Stainless Steel 1" Standoffs, with Drill Holes
Please enter zipcode
Estimated Total:$12.60

Ultra Board signs are highly versatile, allowing for customization with a variety of finsihes such as matte, glossy, or brushed metal, catering to diverse branding and design messages. The lightweight construction of ultraboard signs faciliates easy handling and installation, reducing labor cost ans simplifying the mounting process for various signage needs. With smooth surface, Ultraboard provides an ideal substrate for high-resolution printing, ensuring sharp vibrant graphics that effectively capture attention and convey messages.